Irish Whiskey Investment Consulting

Let us help build your whiskey investment portfolio. We provide comprehensive guidance on limited editions, sourcing, and acquiring elusive Irish whiskies. Benefit from our established relationships with suppliers and whiskey collectors, ensuring the secure shipment of your acquisitions.

The Surging Investment Appeal of Whiskey

Whiskey stands as a flourishing investment trend, evident with a quick look at social media. In the midst of stock market uncertainties, numerous companies online boast about potential 500% returns on whiskey investments over a decade.

While we refrain from making such bold claims, success stories abound. We are committed to addressing all your inquiries and guiding you toward a prudent direction. Allow us to assist you in building a whiskey collection—a valuable investment and, equally importantly, a reservoir of endless enjoyment and learning.

Why invest in Irish Whiskey now?

Whiskey is easy to store

Storing whiskey is notably simpler than wine, requiring only placement in a cool, dry environment without the need for temperature control.

Whiskey is a safe investment

During periods of economic uncertainty, investing in whiskey stands out as a secure and stable financial choice.

Strong ROI

The Midleton Very Rare sees an annual appreciation ranging between 5-10% per annum, attributed to the rarity of its releases and the robust Irish whiskey market. A prudent estimate places this increase at around 7.5% per annum.

Tips for new whiskey collectors

Understand whiskey's value:

Starting a whiskey collection might seem overwhelming due to the various types, regions, and brands. Yet, the key to whiskey collectability is its rarity and quality.

Limited releases enhance collectability:

Certain distilleries enhance collectibility by limiting the release of a distinguished spirit to a fixed number, usually during specific times like holidays. The set bottle price often surpasses in secondary markets due to scarcity, becoming a significant market factor.

Start Slow:

Start your collection gradually by purchasing a few bottles, assess your ROI, and decide if you want to invest more.

Mike Daley in Food in Wine

“The rebirth of Irish whiskey is relatively new, so I feel like I’m getting in on the ground. Luxury scotch, to me, is already a crowded type of market. But we’re only just starting to see luxury Irish make a name for itself. I guarantee you that in the years to come, it will get to where scotch is today.”

Start building your Irish Whiskey Investment Portfolio with us today.